Exploring food culture, feminism, motherhood, and the domestic sphere. 

You Don’t Need More Free Time

You don’t need to sprawl out on the couch watching TV and drinking wine. You don’t need to scroll through Pinterest in a hammock.

You used to know this. You used to rise early and clap your hands at the sight of a broom propped against the wall. You used to yell in protest when anyone expected you to sit still and do nothing. You used to instinctively squat and plank and run up and down slopes, taking a pure physical pleasure in effort that strengthened and sustained you.

You don’t need more free time. You need more work that challenges and satisfies, more activities that engage your mind and body and all your senses. You need an environment that stimulates your mental growth and physical development, not one that lulls you into torpor. 

No he said no I won't no

Sara Ahmed on Homework