Exploring food culture, feminism, motherhood, and the domestic sphere. 

An Incomplete, But Representative, List of Words and Phrases My Toddler Understands

Bear. Lamb. Monkey. Whale. Mama. Dada. Music. Song. Piano. Dance. Barnyard dance. Bow to the horse. Old MacDonald. Spider. The wheels on the bus. Round and round.

Yogurt. Water. Cup. Banana. More. All done. No! Yeah! Mais non! Ball. Uh-oh. Yay.  

Shoes. Socks. Shirt. Diaper. Foot. Hat. Hand. Mouth. Toes. Tummy. Tickle. Bounce.

Sit on your bottom. No feet on the table. Put it back. Snack. Garbage. Go outside. Call Nana.

Up. Down. Upside down. Slide. Scoot. Walk. Knock. Push the button. Stairs. Wave. Hit. High five. Big hug. Blow a kiss. Bye-bye. Light. Twinkle. Rock. Good night.

Sara Ahmed on Homework

Book Review: The Farm in the Green Mountains